The second wave of COVID-19: Precautionary measures taken at the Iivari Mononen Group

The second wave of COVID-19: Precautionary measures taken at the Iivari Mononen Group

As the second wave of COVID-19 intensifies, we follow updated guidelines and instructions at our Group’s companies. With these measures we protect our personnel, customers and business operations. At the same time, we do our part to slow down the spread of the epidemic.

Visits to our production plants and offices are strictly limited to critical maintenance and other similar occasions. We primarily maintain contacts remotely. Meetings are organised outdoors whenever possible, and the use of face masks is recommended.

Travelling abroad is generally forbidden. In critical cases, we allow work-related travel between Norway and Finland.

Our production facilities concentrate their resources on the critical phases of production to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply and deliveries. We continue to update news about the situation on our company websites.


More information:
Ari Mononen, CEO
Iivari Mononen Group

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